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"Participating in the program has enabled us to strengthen our commitment to the environment, and to educate our team in an effective, practical and entertaining manner. Today every one of us protects and cares for the flora and fauna around us"

Ana María Garcés
René Vásquez

Altair Vineyard

" It has been a great experience for Garcés Silva and its workers to participate in the program. Is has allowed a change of mentality regarding the environment ... now the workers understand the importance of our native trees, the difference between a non native aromo or eucalyptus, and our own quillay or quebracho. Birds and other animals are part of the environment and the workers recognize and speak about them, some being quite amazed by the presence of a particular animal. Foxes are respected now, which impresses me because before they were considered pests or a nuisance.
Finally there is an improvement in our garbage disposal process (which has been a difficult area), local managers take care of carrying out the trash and putting it in specific containers. "

Ignacio Casali
Winegrower at Garces Silva Vineyard

Viña Apaltagua has recently taken up this initiative, giving a greater emphasis to our commitment as a company to environmental conservation.
initially begin in the fields, in the properties of La Pancora and El Huaico. Both contain vineyards, fruit plantings and a very large area, more than 1000 hectares in each case, not cultivated, where the sclerophylloous ecosystem is well-represented, which will be focus of this program.

Juan Pablo Aragay
Enviromental Manager
Viña Apaltagua

"It has allowed us to know our flora and fauna, and to better understand their interaction with the vineyard and our responsibility towards them, thus consolidating our pioneering project that involves preserving the natural areas surrounding the vineyard."

Gerardo Leal
Head of Research and Development
"It has allowed us to get to know our environment, the importance of the watershed for carbon sequestration, the interaction of native birds, and how these factors have an impact on the sustainable management of the vineyard, becoming a project that is economically viable, socially responsible and friendly to the environment "

Gerardo Leal
Head of Research and Development

"Working with the IEB in the WCCB program has been an enriching experience for Concha y Toro Vineyard.
It has given us a better understanding of our heritage and of the ecosystem services that the forests deliver. Here at the vineyard we understand that forests are reservoirs of wildlife and that they are unique ecosystems that we must know, care for and protect, so that future generations can also enjoy wines made with excellence, quality and respect for the environment"

Valentina Lira M.
Deputy Manager Sustainable Development | CONCHA Y TORO

El participar con el programa Vino, Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad refuerza el trabajo continuo que tiene Viña Cono Sur por reducir el impacto en el medio ambiente y continuar implementando prácticas sustentables. Un hito muy importante para la viña fue obtener el título de"Green Company of the Year 2011" por esto es que buscamos año a año seguir avanzando en este camino.

Alejandra Lapostol
Jefe de gestión Técnico Agrícola y Desarrollo Sustentable

"It has allowed us to understand that climate change is a phenomenon happening right here and now, and that we should be committed to take actions to mitigate its effects, focusing on the efficient use of resources such as energy and water."

Gerardo Leal

Head of Research and Development
Climate change is undoubtedly one of the greatest threats facing our planet today. Montes Vineyard has decided to take on the potential risks of this global phenomenon, not only thinking of our company's production, but also for the sake of our environment. Because of this, we have signed an agreement with the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity (IEB) program "Wine, Climate Change and Biodiversity", which has given us a deeper knowledge about the flora and fauna of the area, how they interact harmonically with the vineyards, and how we can preserve them to mitigate the effects of global warming.

Betzabe Galaz
Enological researcher
We believe that by participating in the "Wine, Biodiversity and Climate Change" Program, we are opting for the path of sustainability in the long term, protecting our endemic flora and fauna, and assuming an active role in the mitigation of global warming. This will also benefit our vineyards and the land surrounding them. We believe this initiative will constitute a huge learning experience for the Belen Group.

Mónica Molina
Manager of sustainable
Today, the wine industry is part of the Chilean landscape, and as such it cannot overlook its responsibility towards the environment. It is therefore essential to understand the context where we are located in order to assess how to minimize any negative footprints. Ideally we would just make wine and leave everything else as is. But being part of a landscape means that we share it with the many other species that came here before us. In order to learn to live together, we certainly first need to get to know these partners in life.

Sven Bruchfeld
"It has allowed us to incorporate the diverse native flora and fauna, existent in our biological corridors, into our organic and biodynamic handling processes in the Ocoa area, as we recognize that native wildlife is a major player in determining how a landscape functions."

Gerardo Leal
Head of Research and Development

"Nuestra visión de ir más allá en nuestro compromiso 360 Sustentable, es por eso que hemos decidido integrarnos al programa "Vino, Cambio Climático y Biodiversidad", del Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad (IEB). Esto, con el objetivo de profundizar en nuestros proyectos actuales de reforestación realizando acciones concretas de conservación en las más de 2000 hectáreas de cerros con bosque nativo que rodean nuestra viña. La intención es proteger, conservar y recuperar su flora y fauna nativa, para recobrar los servicios eco-sistémicos que nos prestan, educando a nuestra gente y a nuestras comunidades sobre la importancia de conversar la biodiversidad de la zona".

Andrea Zwanzger Sánchez
Jefe de Desarrollo Sustentable de VSPT

Climate change is a reality that makes the proliferation of native flora and fauna around our farms progressively harder. Recognizing the ecosystem's importance and our responsibility as a company to protect it, we joined the "Wine, Climate Change and Biodiversity" program, interested also in understanding how native wildlife interacts positively with our winemaking. Working together we hope to educate and convey our environmental commitment to the community, seeking to recognize the real value of our flora and fauna.

Miguel Mujica Cuevas
Agricultural Manager – Winegrower
Viu Manent